Gas Fumigation
Our quality Fumigation Equipment including gas tight fumigation sheets, sand snakes, portable fumigation chamber, gas application and monitoring equipment with skills of our trained staff assure excellent results.
Pest Guard takes pride in providing Monitored Fumigation Services using Phosphine Gas and Methyl Bromide. We use high quality fumigants, imported from International Reputable Manufacturers. Our quality Fumigation Equipment including gas tight fumigation sheets, sand snakes, portable fumigation chamber, gas application and monitoring equipment with skills of our trained staff assure excellent results.

We undertake Fumigation of Wood Pallets and Packaging Materials using Methyl Bromide Gas as per ISPM 15 with internationally recognized Mark / Stamp No. TZ-112 MB. We stamp this Mark on all the Wood Packaging material Fumigated and issue a pertinent Fumigation Certificates for the Export.
We undertake fumigation of Containers for Export, with or without commodities. We can do fumigation under gas tight fumigation sheets or in the sealed container. Our well trained staff under the qualified supervisors assures you a successful fumigation. We issue Certificate of Fumigation for Export Containers.
We carry out fumigation of Tobacco both in the warehouse and in containers as per the international buyer’s requirements. The Safety Procedures of Fumigation Services along with Phosphine Gas monitoring and effective sealing procedures have facilitated to achieve excellent fumigation results.
We do fumigation of food commodities stored in the Warehouse under UN-FAO specifications Fumigation Sheets with Phosphine Gas from Aluminium Phosphide Tablets/Bags. Phosphine Gas levels are monitored and recorded during the fumigation process to attain optimal quality and successful fumigation results